Taking things off your schedule.

Taking things off your schedule is a temporary fix.

Things are always going to feel like too much when you aren’t spending your time on what you believe in.  On what you know is most important.

Like trying to fit rocks, gravel, and sand into a jar.

If you put the sand and gravel in, it is impossible to get the rocks in.

But if you put the rocks (your priorities) in first, there is room for the gravel and sand to fit in around it (all the other stuff).

I sometimes wear myself out emotionally by taking on others’ priorities (gravel and sand)instead on my own. And when I don’t put my priorities first- the things that align with the person I am choosing to be- I often lose a lot of emotional energy, and I can’t fit in my rocks.

A lot of times, I don’t even realize this is happening. 

It’s often not the amount of things going on. It’s what the things are and how we feel about them. 

When we can figure out what is really most important to us and then put those things first, that is where our greatest power lies.


Being hurt is not “less than”, it’s just “part of”.


It was never enough money…