Your best self

It's easy to get caught up in all the things we are supposed to do. The things we need to do to be a good parent. The things we need to do to make things special for our loved ones. The events we should attend the gifts we should give, the atmosphere in the home we should provide, and all the magic memories we are in charge of making.

It can be exciting and fun, but sometimes it can also be overwhelming.

Sometimes things don't turn out as we'd planned.

Sometimes all the stuff just doesn't get done.

Then it doesn't feel enough.

We can't look and see the things that we've done that prove we are doing it right.

Your best self is NOT all the things you are DOING. There is no checklist to get to your best self. You don’t check off a certain number of things and then you’ve made it- here’s your BEST SELF! That’s not how it works.

It's who you are BEING and who you are BECOMING.

That's it. There is no working your way there. You don't have to prove anything.

You just keep showing up as the person you are trying to be. And when you fall short, you just get to get back up, shift a little and keep going. And if you stay down for a bit, that is ok too.

Your best self is just YOU. And that is the best gift for everyone.


Sneaky thoughts


Being hurt is not “less than”, it’s just “part of”.