What’s holding you back?

Do you ever find yourself snapping at those you care about for what seem to be trivial reasons? (Or maybe not so trivial.)

Are you feeling stuck and just not able to start or do things that you want? Or you just feel like there is supposed to be more to life, but you don’t even know where to start?

When you get something you thought you wanted, it just doesn’t live up to the expectations?

Do you find yourself turning to Netflix, food, or even just sleeping more when you are feeling down, and then other parts of your life are suffering?

This is where we figure out what is going on underneath.

This is where we get awareness.

This is where we get the real work done.

We work on finding your own best answers. You find those by using the best information. I help you find this through awareness of mind, body, and spirit. Those work together to help you make the best decisions. I don’t tell you what to do, I show you how to find the information and YOU get to make the right decisions for you.

The most effective way to utilize coaching is to work long term.

This is why I have two package options to weekly keep getting the work done, staying accountable, building upon each new bit of awareness, and giving yourself the opportunity to put into practice the skills you are learning.

First, I have a 3 month package of 12 weekly 45 minute sessions for $1200. We can also touch base when needed over email or messaging.

For an extra $800, you can get 24 weekly 45 minute sessions for $2000. Being able to work on things weekly for this amount of time has powerful potential for lasting change.

Click below to sign up for a free 30 minute discovery call where we can talk about how it looks to work on this together. You don’t need to make a commitment until you see how we work together.



My name is Amy. I am a Life Coach, wife, mother of four, college graduate, elementary substitute teacher, and have a love of learning. I enjoy cycling, reading, baking, and getting to understand people. I decided to be a Life Coach because I started working with a Life Coach when I was struggling with some physical symptoms that doctors were not able to help me with. By working with a coach, I was able to lessen my symptoms and was able to really minimize their effects on my daily life. This work has the power to unlock the ability to be the best person any of us can be. It achieves this by allowing us to see the thoughts in our brains that many of us aren’t even aware are there. When we are able to understand these thoughts, our power to decide magnifies the possibilities in our lives and we can choose things we never realized were available to us in the past.

Now, knowing the power this work has had in my life and in the lives of others, I am excited to be a part of bringing it to you! I work via Zoom, so we can meet anywhere you are comfortable and have an internet connection. Schedule your free 30 minute consultation today to see what we can do together!

Or email me with questions. amyelkinscoaching@gmail.com


I sought life coaching because I suffered with anxiety and had started to negative self-talk so much, I started to feel paralyzed and didn’t have a lot of love for myself. I also struggled with managing time and focusing on things that mattered most to me. When I met Amy, we initially worked a lot on having grace with myself and then I was able to set boundaries and make goals that really helped me focus on what was important to me. I learned tools that helped me deal with my anxiety and I figured out ways to change without feeling buried in my mistakes. I started to become happier! Now I am able to accomplish things more efficiently and stay focused on the tasks I want completed. I am reaching a lot of goals and I feel like I just keep going uphill. I am really excited about the changes I have made and the way I live my life. -KW

I wasn't sure a Life Coach was going to beneficial to me; I had a regular appointment with a therapist and practiced other forms of self-care. I am still not sure what drove me to set up a series of 12 meetings with Amy Elkins but I am glad I did. My discussions with Amy helped me identify obstacles that I did not realize were holding me back and then produce strategies for overcoming the obstacles. During our coaching sessions Amy provided fresh insights into frustrations I have had for many years; her honest, straight forward way of communicating was exactly what I needed. 

"Amy is an amazing coach!  Her calm and loving spirit creates a safe space where know I can share anything and will be heard and supported without any judgement at all.  She has a unique way of helping me to see what it is that is really holding me back in my personal life as well as in my business, and as a result I have been able to make great strides in both areas. She brings so much wisdom, knowledge, and love to each session.  I would highly recommend Amy to anyone who wants a coach who will help them become unstuck in any part of their life and gently help them move forward. "

 - Angela Adams

Amy Elkins Coaching has been such a blessing to me!

 Amy was able to teach me life skills that helped with my significant mood swings. And man oh man, when I got down I stayed down. When a trigger happened. I would stay depressed for days at a time. I have missed out on holidays, vacations and work because of my depression and anxiety. I felt as if my emotions were ruining my relationship with my husband, my family and most importantly God. I had tried traditional therapy in the past, but I ever felt connected to any of the therapists and they always recommended medication. I know medication has it's place and it is a blessing, but the therapists only recommended a pill and there was never any talk about lifestyle changes or coping mechanisms.

 I felt as if I would always be drowning. 

 After meeting with Amy, I feel like my relationships have significantly improved, and even though I do still get down at times, I know that acknowledge what I am feeling rather than try to push it away. My relationships have taken a 180 and when I do get down it only lasts minutes compared to days at a time. And, I am happy to say I don't take any medication

 If you need help, please reach out to Amy! You can talk to her about anything and everything and she won't judge you at all. She even remembers things from the very first visit. She gives you her undivided attention and I seriously felt as if I could talk to her all day! A wonderful friend and resource!. I recommend anyone and everyone for Amy Elkins coaching!

- Amy

 I just love Amy! She is so good at helping me see my blind spots. When what I think and believe to be true is not helping me in my life, she's great at helping me question it. She will offer me different perspectives and I love it because it gets me out of my 'black and white' or 'there is only one way' type of thinking.

 Amy kindly challenges me to see the whole truth of my experiences and helps me continue improving in ways I didn't expect or know would be so powerful. I get so many breakthroughs when I work with Amy and I used to think that each breakthrough was the end all fix all. She kindly helps me see that each breakthrough helps me up until it no longer does. Then when I accept that it's not working anymore and it's ok, I can take the learning from previous breakthroughs with me into the next breakthrough, where actually more clarity and understanding is available, just around the corner. This way of improving has been such a game changer for me!

 Thank you Amy! She is such a great coach! I highly recommend her!
